Aintree Lane
Respite Service
Aintree Lane is a four-bedded respite service offering a short-stay facility and 24-hour care for adults with learning disabilities who may also have physical and sensory disabilities.
Our team offers a stimulating, safe and homely environment which promotes independence, wellbeing, and choice.
Our service is innovative in terms of encouraging people to have new experiences, while at the same time providing an assessed level of support, based on personal needs.
We encourage the people we support to develop new skills including life skills such as cooking and self-care.
Like our other respite services, Aintree Lane works in line with the Care Act 2014, ensuring carers of the people we support have a short break from their caring responsibilities, providing positive outcomes for both the people we support and their carers.
About Aintree Lane

Personal Stories

“Since our son has been going to Aintree Lane, it has been a new start and a complete breath of fresh air for us. It is so good for us to finally relax when he is in respite and enjoy some time together.
Nothing seems to be an issue for the staff; it is always positive, and we know he can be challenging. Ultimately, that’s why we need the respite.
Although he is nonverbal, when we tell him he is going, he gets so excited. The transport also told us that when they make a specific turn (he is like a sat nav !), he also starts to get excited, knowing he is being taken there after his day centre.”
Parent of a person supported at Aintree Lane
Thomas' Story

Quite simply, I would be lost without the care my son Thomas receives from New Direction’s respite service. Not only me, but Thomas and his brother as well. We are such a close family but sometimes we all need a break from each other, and that is what Aintree Lane’s respite service provides.