Our Impacts

The impacts we make, the outcomes we create

Our Impacts

From Day Services to long-term residential care, we ensure positive outcomes for the people we support as well as the commissioners of those services – both expect us to create, hone and evolve services that meet changing health and social care needs.


Our Services - Impacts

Continuous Innovation

Since 2007 we have constantly evolved the types of services we offer, and the ways in which we deliver those services, to ensure we are always meeting the needs of the people we support and the requirements of the adult social care teams at Sefton Council.

Some of that evolution is measured, for example in our long term residential care, while others are delivered at pace. Nothing sums up the agile, need-based innovation we under take better than the Reablement and Rapid Response service.

The service is designed to promote wellbeing and help reduce unnecessary hospital admissions, readmissions and delayed discharges. By supporting assessments in the community, we have enabled the council’s social care team to prioritise the demand of more complex cases, supporting the Sefton community as a whole.

Day Centres

Short Term Respite

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