Hudson Road

Adult Residential Care

Based in Maghull, Hudson Road is a small five-bedded home for adults with learning difficulties, physical difficulties and complex needs. Hudson Road has been offering a real homely environment for over 30 years, providing dedicated care and support.

Our aim is to promote independence and choice in a setting in which residents feel safe and their privacy and dignity are respected.

Our residents enjoy a fulfilling life and experiences, including holidays and frequent trips to pubs and restaurants, cinemas, theatres, bowling and local places of interest.

From the most recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission our service was assessed as ‘Outstanding’ – only one of two providers in Sefton with this rating.

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Gary's Story

group of people giving a thumbs up holding signs: Inspected and rated Outstanding

When we were first introduced to Gary, he was living at home awaiting adaptations and looking to access respite whilst this was done. As more support was put in place a decision was made for Gary to look for residential care and as he had already begun the assessment process with Liz and the teams it made sense to consider Hudson Road. From what we were told he had very limited access to anything outside of his home for a considerable number of years.

Impacts & Outcomes

The service has always been a needs led service and we adapt as the people we support change within the remit of the service. For example, following a deterioration in mobility we have accommodated a move to the ground floor of the service for an individual who was placed on the first floor, doing so has enabled us to plan and support any further deterioration in mobility by providing an accessible room with appropriate aids when they are required. We have introduced technology to help keep him safe whilst maintaining dignity and privacy.

We have recently supported Sefton and the health service to accommodate the move of a young gentleman who was inappropriately placed in an EMI home, the move came as a result of a negative CQC inspection. This gentleman came with complex needs and health conditions that required additional training which all staff have received.

He is health funded which is not our usual funding stream but we worked with Sefton to agree this move.

Care Quality Commission

Hudson Road is a CQC registered service and has an ‘OUTSTANDING’ rating.

Contact Hudson Road

Gary's Story

When we were first introduced to Gary, he was living at home awaiting adaptations and looking to access respite whilst this was done. As more support was put in place a decision was made for Gary to look for residential care and as he had already begun the assessment process with Liz and the teams it made sense to consider Hudson Road. From what we were told he had very limited access to anything outside of his home for a considerable number of years.

Following the assessment process and visits, the Hudson Road team felt they could meet Gary’s needs.

When he arrived at Hudson Road he was wary and tried to keep himself to himself.

Our first aim was to introduce Gary slowly to other people as he spent a lot of time in his room out of choice. With lots of patience and support Gary began spending more and more time in the company of others when asked to join in, but he knew his limits and asked to leave when he needed to.

One of the difficulties Gary had was his mobility. We arranged for Gary to be assessed for a wheelchair. When it arrived he was reluctant to use it. He was extremely nervous. Staff took very small steps to introduce him to sitting in it and having a coffee in the garden with staff. Then moved on to moving him whilst in it. He eventually accepted the wheelchair which then allowed staff to take him to lunch in a pub. This was then expanded, and he travelled on the bus and the train. With his new mobility he was able to attend sensory rooms and a Music and Dance group. He could also access shops to choose items for himself. He has been swimming.

Due to lack of time spent outside his home environment Gary needed support to ensure he had followed a healthy diet to maintain a healthy weight. During his time with us he has been on a

healthy eating plan. He has lost enough weight for him to feel the benefit. His mobility has improved so much that he is pushing the wheelchair rather than sitting in it. This is really good for his confidence and also helps towards more weight loss and better health in general. We can see that he is now eager to go out.

His interaction with other people has also built over this time. He is much more confident at the Music and Movement group. He is comfortable with others coming to talk to him. He is comfortable to dance with people other than staff. He smiles and joins in with the activities. Through the group he has also been able to attend a disco. He clearly shows that he enjoys this.

In the house we have also seen Gary’s confidence grow. We have encouraged him to choose things for himself. Recently he has been collecting new magazines when he wants. He spends more time in the lounge with other residents. He moves chairs in the lounge to sit in different locations without asking if he can. He knows where his snacks are kept and will access them when he wants.

The next thing we would like to concentrate on is Gary’s communication. We are hoping he may be able to learn some Makaton. Or use a photo to choose where he may want to go.

It has been really good to watch Gary grow in confidence. We have learned a lot about him. We know he can do a lot for himself. He can do simple chores such as his washing with support. He loves to bake a cake with support.

We have received wonderful feedback from Gary’s family about how he has grown in confidence, one even saying ‘they regret Gary not moving in sooner’

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