Supported Living

Our Supported Living Service delivers care and support across four supported living houses, supporting 12 people in their tenancies. All have diagnoses of a learning disability, mental health conditions and/or autism but all equally wish to live as independently as possible.

The supported living service offers a place for people to call a home where individuals can feel safe, receive support, and develop their independence as a tenant, becoming a valued member of their community.

Each person is very much respected as an individual in their own right and is supported to connect to the community through friends and lifestyle, and their family.
The ethos of the service is based on empowering people to achieve their personal aspirations. People are actively encouraged to explore their dreams, wishes and goals.

A range of communication methods are utilised and tailored towards each individual. All interaction with the people supported is couched in a wide range of formats to ensure understanding as a basis to arrive at person-specific informed decision-making framed by a rights-based agenda.

About Supported Living

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Hannah's Story

Hannah smiling, sitting in a field

Halloween was amazing. I had a party at my house and I invited all my friends in supported living. I thought of the theme for the party, went out and bought all the food and sweets! I opened the door to the Trick or Treaters every time they knocked and had a chat with them and gave them their treats. No tricks this year.

Care Quality Commission

Supported Living is a CQC registered service and has a ‘GOOD’ rating.

Supported Living

Hannah's Story

Halloween was amazing. I had a party at my house and I invited all my friends in supported living. I thought of the theme for the party, went out and bought all the food and sweets! I opened the door to the Trick or Treaters every time they knocked and had a chat with them and gave them their treats. No tricks this year.

It has not always been like this, not close. I came to Poulsom Drive (one of Supported Living’s tenanted homes) five years ago from my family’s home. I wanted to be more independent from my family and live in my own home.

I can get upset and angry at times but I didn’t know that it could make it so hard to make friends. Since living at Poulsom Drive they have helped me work out ways to cope with anger and bad feelings which usually make me shout and swear.

I didn’t like feeling angry, the only way I can describe how it made me feel is by telling you my mind feels crumbly and I struggle with how to handle the rest of my day.

My emotional wellbeing has really improved and I know how to stop things getting out of hand. When it does feel like it might, I now go for a walk around the block by my house or listen to relaxing music.

One of the best things that living in Poulsom Drive has given me is the ability to know what others may be thinking or feeling. And I know that no one really likes it when my passionate nature (their words!) comes out so my relationships with the other tenants in Poulsom has really improved.

Understanding what other people think and feel, and what I need to give and to take to make a relationship work, is probably my biggest achievement at Poulsom. I now have a wide circle of friends, and a boyfriend, and I have a community in which I play a big part.

These friends were the ones I invited to my very first Halloween party this year, and we had a blast!

Poulsom has also helped me discover lots of other things about myself and things I like to do. I have my own part of the garden, which I look after throughout the year.

In summer, there is nothing I like better than sitting in my egg chair in my garden, chatting to the neighbours.

And I bought that egg chair – a great thing about Poulsom and New Directions is the support they have given me to be independent, especially with my money.

I now understand my benefits and how to manage my money in my bank account, and how much money I have got and what I can afford to buy. But I have also learned more about what bills I must pay and how to pay them using my account.

As I said, I could get very upset and angry but in truth, I was sometimes reacting to how other people saw me – and talked about me. My support staff encouraged me to get involved with MENCAP, this is where I met my boyfriend and lots of new friends.

I enjoy going to MENCAP, and with them I have been involved in a HATE CRIME awareness session for school children, to help them understand how words can be hurtful to people with learning disabilities like me.

I can now express myself to these young people, I can now make friends and have a boyfriend, I now have choices and make my own decisions.


I can now take part in my community and when I do get upset I can now go for a walk or sit in my chair in the garden until the upset goes.


I know that if I am not happy with something, I can tell the managers and they help me get it sorted – I feel I am listened to and that’s so important to me.

No tricks at Poulsom, just treats for me now. Thanks to everyone.

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