
Brookdale is a specialist day service providing dementia care services for people with moderate to complex dementia, while also providing respite services for carers, families and friends of the people we support.

Brookdale offers a safe, secure and stimulating environment that always promotes dignity and independence. Working together with partners and specialists, we provide a wide range of support including cognitive stimulation activities, speech therapy, occupational therapy and continence and independent living assessments.

Our staff are dedicated to meeting each person’s individual needs, taking into consideration their preferences, wishes and aspirations for future care.

Therapeutic group activities are offered daily, as are community engagement services to keep the people we support connected and involved in their local community.
The professional and compassionate Brookdale team deeply understand the difficulties people living with dementia and their carers and family face with this progressive illness and are always on hand to listen, give guidance, encouragement, advice and support.

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Patricia's Story

Patricia and Jean smiling sat outside

We have our mum back, and it is both unbelievable and incredible.

Pat was diagnosed with dementia a year or two ago, and from that point on, she went downhill very quickly. Before Brookdale, Pat struggled to find purpose – or even to get out of bed. If she spoke it was to say she wanted to die.

Impacts & Outcomes

  • Capacity to support 22 people per day
  • Average 18 people supported per day
  • £102.60 daily fee per person supported excellent value for money compared to other services including residential care
  • Brookdale removes the need to dismantle the family unit by going into residential care
  • For many people supported, Brookdale offers the only respite opportunities for carers, friends and family
  • Flexible visit days to suit needs of carers, friends and family and the person supported
  • Collaborative process before taking on a new supported person – trial visits then full support once all people currently supported approve the new person
Brookdale at a Glance 9 Community group partners 10+ Therapeutic group activities every week 7 Health Partners including Merseycare NHS Trust 25 People supported each week

Continuous Transformation

Covid had a fundamental impact on the Brookdale service model, with a new focus on fewer people supported but with more severe or advanced dementia and more complex needs.

Contact Brookdale

Pat's Story

We have our mum back, and it is both unbelievable and incredible.


Pat was diagnosed with dementia a year or two ago, and from that point on, she went downhill very quickly. Before Brookdale, Pat struggled to find purpose – or even to get out of bed. If she spoke it was to say she wanted to die.

But as I say that was before Brookdale. After being recommended Brookdale by a number of people, from friends who had loved ones supported by the service to Pat’s health and care support network, we looked at what the day service had to offer – both for Pat and for our family.

From the staff to the bright, warm, uplifting environment and beautiful gardens – when the Ainsdale sun shines – everything at Brookdale is fixed solely on providing the best possible experience for the people using the day service.

We started coming to Brookdale twice a week, but now we come every day as the difference it has made is simply breathtaking. She is indeed now independent and has had such a dignified, caring experience that we have our mum back.

She is laughing and joking, and she has made so many new friends. She actually knows she who is now, and who her family is – which is both a great relief and heartbreaking that before Brookdale she was so lost.

She is recognising places and people she had no idea or recollection of before, and the family interaction we now enjoy (again!) has meant so much for all of us.

I don’t have to say that living with someone with acute dementia is hard, as pretty much all of us knows a loved one or friend who is in the same spot, but the transformation in Pat has brought a joy to everyone who knows her.

If your parents or loved one have dementia, please, please come and look at Brookdale. The staff here are nothing short of miracle workers.

The work they do, the care they give has been a real lifesaver for Pat and for us.

The difference you will notice in your loved ones will be unbelievable – and I am speaking from first hand experience.

Continuous Transformation

During Covid Brookdale operated with a new focus on fewer people supported but with more severe or advanced dementia and more complex needs. Brookdale has since risen back to a much higher number in attendance of twenty-two places per day and is looking to increase those numbers further. 

Staffing levels did not go down with the reduced case load; the more complex needs of the people supported are now provided by 1-1 and 2-1 care.

This is supported by enhanced person-centred care planning and continual individual assessment of needs.

As the complexity level increased, Brookdale recognised the need for additional support for carers, friends and families and introduced carer involvement programmes as well as a carer support group – the latter includes a dedicated carer support hotline which carers can receive advice, help and assistance on days the person supported is not visiting Brookdale.

A renewed emphasis on partnership working with MerseyCare and SMBC social care teams has allowed a stronger integration between health and social care providers, the person supported and their carers, friends and family.

A clearer focus on outcomes has been introduced, with measurable outcomes tracked and assessed with care plan changes made as appropriate.

Carers’ satisfaction and quality audit questionnaires have also been introduced to measure progress and satisfaction with care as judged by carers, friends, and family. Feedback is integrated into new service provisions.

This follows the needs of Sefton Council, and the services offered are usually co-produced to provide value-for-money services for complex needs.

The co-production ethos has also been introduced to all stakeholders, including carers, friends and family and other agencies we work with. We also signpost families needing additional support to external agencies.

We are placing an increased emphasis on prevention and intervention, maintaining mobility and independence, and thus reducing care packages and costs to Sefton Council.

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