Waterloo Park

Day Opportunities Centre

Waterloo Park is a friendly uplifting service for people over the age of sixty. Some of those who attend have additional support needs or are living with the early stages of dementia.

Waterloo Park promotes physical and mental well-being in a safe, spacious, and well-equipped environment. Waterloo has a fully accessible building and garden. We sit in a leafy lane in the heart of Waterloo with excellent links to community facilities. Our dedicated team follows a person-centred approach with choice, dignity, and respect being paramount.
We promote a holistic approach and offer support and guidance to individuals and their families. We often signpost or refer to other services for specialised needs.
We offer very high standards of care. Due to extensive equipment and training, we can meet most aspects of our user’s physical care needs. We seek professional services for specialist care such as District Nurse visits.
We also have an on-site Kitchen that can cater to all your dietary needs.

Contact Details

Jean's Story

Jean smiling in a restaurant

Jean my stepmother has advanced dementia, and has been supported by the team at Waterloo Park three days a week. In addition to the usual exceptional care she receives – she is given choice, she is given dignity and most importantly she is given empathy – the team at Waterloo Park may have recently given her the gift of life.

Impacts & Outcomes

Our service increases the length of time someone is able to remain in their own home rather than move to residential care. The respite offered to family allows them a better balance with more rest and freedom to pursue own interests . Many service users were on the brink of moving into residential care when joining us; this has been significantly delayed, or they still remain with family

Waterloo Park at a Glance 27+ Community groups engaged, providing health, education, cultural and community opportunities. 25 People supported each week 30 Hours offered, Monday-Friday, 10am until 4pm 7+ Social, therapeutic and wellbeing activities offered 19 People supported with complex needs, ASD, learning and physical disabilities.
Woman holding a present

Continuous Transformation

The criteria to attend Waterloo Park has changed to meet the needs of the local community. Referrals from ASC have included anyone over the age of 60 who have additional support needs including learning , physical disability, early stage dementia, social isolation , acquired brain injury and autism.


People supported are given opportunities to be a part of other Community Projects such as Holistic Harmonies at Hugh Baird College, Active Sefton, Plaza Cinema Dementia Friends, Irenaeus Centre , Sefton Opera and many more.

Waterloo Park supports many local and National Charities including Sefton Community Pantry, Marie Curie, Stroke Association, British Legion, Alzheimer’s Society and Macmillan Nurses

Contact Waterloo

Jean's Story

Jean my stepmother has advanced dementia, and has been supported by the team at Waterloo Park three days a week. In addition to the usual exceptional care she receives – she is given choice, she is given dignity and most importantly she is given empathy – the team at Waterloo Park may have recently given her the gift of life.

Jean’s deterioration has been huge in the last six months and the team have changed the care package as needed, such as 1-1 care at home time, as Jean can get on the wrong bus, manning the gate when she goes out for a cigarette, helping keep her safe when she wants to give out teas, taking her into the community which is not an easy task, and constantly reassuring Jean to stay at the centre when she is always trying to “pick her kids up ” or visit her (late) mother.

The team are great at adjusting her care package as her needs grow and change, but she still gets to smile when she is at Waterloo which is totally down to the total care of the staff.

Recently, Jean attended the day centre when she obviously wasn’t very well – she had been acting a little different which we as a family had noticed a couple of days before and we took to her GP and was told it was probably the side effects of her medicines.

Later that day I received an email off the manager of Waterloo Park, Michelle, using lovely caring words just making sure we were aware of the changes in Jean’s behaviour that the staff had noticed in one visit to the centre!! How on the ball is that?

A few days later, Jean again went to one of her sessions at Waterloo Park and became more unwell. She was vacant and shaking. The team alerted Francey the activity lead who knew straight away Jean was unwell and not herself.

Francey has a very good relationship with Jean, and she and another member of the Waterloo Park team, Lynn, took Jean to a quiet place for her own privacy.

Lynn believed she may have an infection based on her behaviour – by this time Jean couldn’t carry her own weight. Michelle made the decision to call an ambulance.

The whole team worked together to notice, to alert, to plan and to arrange care via NHS – and Francey made a caring professional call to myself to update the family.

Jean was taken to Aintree hospital where she was diagnosed with an infection and admitted.

Waterloo Park doesn’t specialise in dementia, but the care is second to none, they know Jean inside out and detected she was ill when her GP didn’t!!

The paramedics did suspect sepsis at one point and this is life threatening but rest assured if any resident at Waterloo Park is in any danger or risk the staff will assist to the highest level and give total quality of care.

I am eternally grateful to all the staff at Waterloo Park who don’t just do a job, they have a vocation to the people they support and as a family, we will never be able to repay them. Truly a huge thank you to each and everyone of them.

Impacts & Outcomes

Our service increases the length of time someone is able to remain in their own home rather than move to residential care. The respite offered to family allows them a better balance with more rest and freedom to pursue own interests . Many service users were on the brink of moving into residential care when joining us; this has been significantly delayed, or they still remain with family

Our supported people develop independence; one learnt how to eat independently again with the use of adapted equipment.

We support rehabilitation and work with other professionals to offer a multi disciplinary approach, promoting good physical and mental wellbeing.

The knowledge of staff and connections to other professionals provide holistic approaches, for example accessing equipment at home to maintain independent living, for example, referrals to Occupational Therapist.

Waterloo Park gives both the people we support and their carers peace of mind as they trust and feel safe within the service, and can continue to work or provide childcare to enable their children to work, whilst their relatives are at the Centre.

Our Service is utilised as respite for carers and family members and also reduces the need for multiple care visits throughout the day.

Intergenerational projects have allowed younger and older people the chance to socialise, this has been very beneficial for those with dementia as they recall past relationships and roles, often caring for younger people as if they are their own child. We have a close relationship with a local primary school and those funded by Sport England and the National Lottery

We regularly receive calls from relatives in despair unsure how to access services, we are happy to support these and signpost them into the right direction. , offering advice on how to make Adult Social Care Referrals. We often receive calls a few weeks later thanking us for our guidance and positive stories on the support the family now receives.

Continuous Transformation

The criteria to attend Waterloo Park has changed to meet the needs of the local community. Referrals from ASC have included anyone over the age of 60 who have additional support needs including learning , physical disability, early stage dementia, social isolation , acquired brain injury and autism.

To adapt and meet changing needs we have refurbished the building, adding a large accessible bathroom with closomat toilet,shower, changing plinth and overhead tracking. A fully accessible garden with shelter, updated security to ensure outdoor spaces are safe for all to use

We have purchased extensive equipment, mobility aids and adapted furniture to promote independence, comfort and safer handling procedures.

With our person centred approach, we have sought advice and purchased items for individuals to improve their physical , mental well being and communication

In addition, our staff undertake a wide range of training to ensure we offer a safe environment with competent staffing, they undertake mandatory training and have opportunities to access more specialist courses covering specific disabilities or health conditions

The Service provides a person centred assessment and care planning process with emphasis on goals and outcomes for our users.

Over the past few years, we have networked with many other organisations and our centre is often accessed by other agencies. Sefton Memory Clinic may book rooms to meet or care agencies have used our shower room if no equipment is available in-service users’ homes.

We now use a wide range of technology including apps , social media platforms and assisted technology to enhance users experiences

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