Hello, and Welcome to my Blog for July 2023.

We are right in the middle of summer, and although the weather has not been great this month, we at New Directions have some news about our services.

There are several events that have been recently held, such as Ricky Young singing for at James Dixon Court, to the upcoming performance by our drama group New Centre Stage their show called “Blood Brothers”. They are putting on two showings, the first will be taking place on the 7th and the second on the 8th of August. If you want to find out more, the details are on our social media pages. Our Chase Heys Centre is holding a Summer Fun Day on Sunday 20th August, and our South Hub Centre will be holding a Scarecrow Festival on the first of September. Our “Reflections” newsletter is progressing well, and we should have a date soon on when it will be released.

So, for now, Cheerio and see you next month.
